Last weekend: We went to Pocatello for a softball tourney! Eric came along to watch Baby J while I played softball! The weather was super nice and I think baby J enjoyed softball and all the busyness! No picture!
On Friday the 29th we were in Evanston for a softball game and Kristi was in town for her 30th birthday! Jocelyn and Tanessa got to meet again! They were a little bit more interested in each other this time!
When we got home from Evanston that afternoon Eric and I did some much needed yard work while Baby J hung out in her exersaucer.
2 Weekends ago:We went to St. George and Vegas! On Saturday we were in Vegas for my friend's wedding!
Jocelyn didn't go to the wedding but she did go see the lions and dolphins at the Mirage!
After that we did some shopping in Vegas!
The weekend before that we went to CAsper! I coached volleyball and Baby J Hung out with Tara all day and was so good! All the parents were so impressed with how good she was!
Before that we were in Havasu for 10 DAYS! Jocelyn got to meet Cousin Natalie and hang out with both sets of grandparents! Here are some pictures from that trip!
What a cute couple of cousins!
In her short life she has also been to Denver, Rawlins volleyball Tourney, Salt Lake a few times and Evanston more then a few times! I don't know how she would handle it if we ever have to stay home for very long!