Thursday, October 16, 2008


This is my awesome team! I am always so proud of them. Being a head coach is so much harder then I thought it would be. It is not just coaching volleyball, you have to be a travel agent, an HR manager, a nutritionist, a trainer, a public relations manager, and a chaperon. I will say that it is all worth it! I would not trade any of them for anyone in the whole State!
I have some JV pictures so I will post them. No varsity pictures! I am sort of preoccupied with other things when they are playing! These are pictures from the Evanston game (in Evanston). My varsity team ended up WINNING! But it was not an easy task. Playing Evanston in Evanston is not ever easy, the environment is a little bit say the least!
Here is Kenzie and Katie diving for the ball! I tell them to move their feet and run to the ball instead of diving so much but obviously they don't think I am very smart :).
Here is Danielle having an awesome Block at the net!


Jen said...

Congrats Rik, i heard about your game on jodi's blog and from Grandma. You've got some proud family members. :)

Unknown said...

I'll take some varsity picture for you next weekend, ok!

Dauna said...

Hey you little stud!!! I am so proud of you! You are right, coaching Varsity is a GREAT BIG STEP! If all you had to do was coach it wouldn't be as CRAZY... and you have really stepped up to the plate YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY AWESOME Ü.
I have had sooo many people tell me how impressed they are with you and the way you coach and treat your girls and how lucky they are to have you. I LOVE YOU!!!